70. IFFMH - 11.-21.11.2021
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72nd IFFMH: Amazing festival atmosphere, sold-out performances and numerous international guests

Press release – Mannheim, 28 November 2023

Last Sunday, 26 November, the 72nd International Film Festival Mannheim-Heidelberg ceremoniously drew to a close. At noon, great interest was shown in the master class held at Heidelberg’s Karlstorbahnhof with guest of honour Nicolas Winding Refn, who had been presented the Grand IFFMH Award the day before.

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Master class with Nicolas Winding Refn at the Karlstorbahnhof © Sönke Dannemann

Closing film ›Sisterhood‹ – powerful cinema by a young director

During the Closing Night, ›Sisterhood‹ was screened in its German premiere as the final film of the festival. Director Nora El Hourch attended the festival to speak to the audience and was received with thunderous applause. In her feature-film debut, this up-and-coming director with French-Moroccan roots delivers fast-paced, youthful and provocative cinema and confronts the audience with female self-empowerment, #metoo and cultural identity from the perspective of three teenage girls.

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Director Nora El Hourch and Festival Director Sascha Keilholz © Sönke Dannemann

Positive results: enthusiastic visitors and sold-out auditoriums

Prior to the film screening, festival director Sascha Keilholz thanked his team and summoned all the members of the festival crew on stage individually by name. The audience was also thanked for its remarkable turnout at the film screenings, many of which were sold out, as well as its active involvement in the extensive supporting programme.

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Team of the 72nd IFFMH | © Elisa Berdica

In line with this being the 72nd edition of the festival, 72 films were screened in the main programme this year. These included films from Singapore, Indonesia, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Kenya, Congo, Nepal and Lebanon. This also makes the IFFMH an important platform for countries whose films are hardly ever seen in German cinemas. 23 of these films were screened as German premieres. Nearly 100 guests from all over the world attended the festival. These included Hollywood star Jack Huston and this year’s guests of honour: cinematographer Agnès Godard, to whom the HOMAGE was dedicated, and writer-director Nicolas Winding Refn, who received the Grand IFFMH Award. The presentation of these honours was accompanied by master classes in which the audience was able to gain an in-depth insight into the work of both filmmakers and ask questions of them. Further guests included director Wei Shujun from China, this year’s Locarno winner Ali Ahmadzadeh and German actors Lars Eidinger, Antje Traue and Hanna Hilsdorf.

This year, the IFFMH counted 25,607 audience members in the cinemas, 1,668 users of the IFFMH Stream and 5,690 attending the supporting events, including panel discussions, performances, exhibitions, master classes, concerts and other events. The festival thus welcomed a total of 32,965 attendees. The 425 accreditations were also a new record for the IFFMH.

Festival director Sascha Keilholz said: “We couldn’t be more satisfied with the 72nd edition of our festival. We not only matched the high level of recognition and appreciation that audiences, the press and the industry showed in previous years; we were able to surpass it yet again. The concept involving the new lounges and the supporting programme in the Stadthaus Mannheim and the Karlstorbahnhof Heidelberg was extraordinarily well received. This has enabled the IFFMH to enhance its status as a forum for the arts in the metropolitan region. In addition to the Cutting Edge Talent Camp, events organised by the AG Filmfest, the Hauptverband Cinephilie, the Baden-Württemberg Festival Network, the Rhine-Neckar Film Association, CinEuro and others were held, allowing the IFFMH to re-establish itself as a place where the industry meets. In addition, we are especially pleased that we were also able to send an important political message. We are thus very optimistic about editions to come.”

The 73rd IFFMH will be held from 7 to 17 November 2024.


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About the IFFMH

With “New Film Experience” as its credo, the IFFMH has been venturing new, interdisciplinary perspectives on and through the art of film since 1952. This makes it the longest-running film festival in Germany after the Berlinale, and it continues to be a major platform for cultural, social and political dialogue. With each subsequent edition, the IFFMH, as a festival for the public in cinemas, invites festivalgoers to discover the rising stars of the international film scene as well as to follow the careers of established filmmakers and to become more familiar with film in the context of other art forms.


Media inquiries

German and international media
Carola Schaffrath
e-mail: c.schaffrath@filmpresse-meuser.de
Tel. +49 69 405 804 0

Anne Schütz
e-mail: a.schuetz@filmpresse-meuser.de
Tel. +49 69 405 804 19

The festival would like to thank its sponsors and partners.


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IFFMH – Filmfestival Mannheim gGmbH
Kleiststraße 3-5
68167 Mannheim

Fon: +49 621/489 262-11